W. Hemati, A. Mehler, T. Uslu, and G. Abrami. Der TextImager als Front- und Backend für das verteilte NLP von Big Digital Humanities Data. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities Conference in the German-speaking Countries, DHd 2019, 2019. T. Uslu, A. Mehler, and D. Baumartz. Computing Classifier-based Embeddings with the Help of text2ddc. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, (CICLing 2019), 2019. T. Uslu, A. Mehler, C. Schulz, and D. Baumartz. {BigSense}: a Word Sense Disambiguator for Big Data. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2019, (DH2019), 2019. D. Baumartz, T. Uslu, and A. Mehler. {LTV}: Labeled Topic Vector. Proceedings of {COLING 2018}, the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, August 20-26, The COLING 2018 Organizing Committee, 2018. C. Driller, M. Koch, M. Schmidt, C. Weiland, T. Hörnschemeyer, T. Hickler, G. Abrami, S. Ahmed, R. Gleim, W. Hemati, T. Uslu, A. Mehler, A. Pachzelt, J. Rexhepi, T. Risse, J. Schuster, G. Kasperek, and A. Hausinger. Workflow and Current Achievements of BIOfid, an Information Service Mobilizing Biodiversity Data from Literature Sources. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, Pensoft Publishers, volume 2, 2018. T. Uslu and A. Mehler. {PolyViz}: a Visualization System for a Special Kind of Multipartite Graphs. Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2018, 2018. T. Uslu, A. Mehler, D. Baumartz, A. Henlein, and W. Hemati. {fastSense}: An Efficient Word Sense Disambiguation Classifier. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May 7 - 12, 2018. W. Hemati, A. Mehler, and T. Uslu. {CRFVoter}: Chemical Entity Mention, Gene and Protein Related Object recognition using a conglomerate of CRF based tools. BioCreative V.5. Proceedings, 2017.