M. Stoeckel, W. Hemati, and A. Mehler. When Specialization Helps: Using Pooled Contextualized Embeddings to Detect Chemical and Biomedical Entities in {S}panish. Proceedings of The 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks, Association for Computational Linguistics, November 2019. C. Driller, G. Abrami, M. Koch, G. Kasperek, A. Pachzelt, and A. Mehler. Accessing knowledge from legacy biodiversity literature. Biodiversity Next, Leiden, Netherlands, October 22-25, October 2019. M. Koch, C. Driller, I. Mikó, and M. Yoder. Exploring biodiversity knowledge by ontologies. Biodiversity Next, Leiden, Netherlands, October 22-25, October 2019. C. Driller, G. Abrami, M. Stoeckel, M. Koch, and G. Kasperek. Tracing back biodiversity to the 19th century via text mining. 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Münster, Germany; September 9-13, September 2019. M. Koch, C. Driller, C. Weiland, and T. Hörnschemeyer. Modern information technologies for the study of myriapod biodiversity. 18th International Congress of Myriapodology, Budapest, Hungary, August 25-31, August 2019. G. Abrami, A. Mehler, A. Lücking, E. Rieb, and P. Helfrich. {TextAnnotator}: A flexible framework for semantic annotations. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, (ISA-15), May 2019. W. Hemati and A. Mehler. {CRFVoter}: gene and protein related object recognition using a conglomerate of CRF-based tools. Journal of Cheminformatics, volume 11, issue 1, March 2019. W. Hemati and A. Mehler. {LSTMVoter}: chemical named entity recognition using a conglomerate of sequence labeling tools. Journal of Cheminformatics, volume 11, issue 1, January 2019. S. Ahmed, M. Stoeckel, C. Driller, A. Pachzelt, and A. Mehler. BIOfid Dataset: Publishing a German Gold Standard for Named Entity Recognition in Historical Biodiversity Literature. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019. W. Hemati, A. Mehler, T. Uslu, and G. Abrami. Der TextImager als Front- und Backend für das verteilte NLP von Big Digital Humanities Data. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities Conference in the German-speaking Countries, DHd 2019, 2019. M. Stoeckel, W. Hemati, and A. Mehler. When Specialization Helps: Using Pooled Contextualized Embeddings to Detect Chemical and Biomedical Entities in Spanish. Proceedings of the International Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks (BioNLP-OST) 2019, Association for Computational Linguistics SIGDAT and Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, 2019. T. Uslu, A. Mehler, and D. Baumartz. Computing Classifier-based Embeddings with the Help of text2ddc. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, (CICLing 2019), 2019. T. Uslu, A. Mehler, C. Schulz, and D. Baumartz. {BigSense}: a Word Sense Disambiguator for Big Data. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2019, (DH2019), 2019.