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Publications of the BIOfid team

Journal Articles by M. Schmidt

Driller C., Koch M., Schmidt M., Weiland C., Hörnschemeyer T., Hickler T., Abrami G., Ahmed S., Gleim R., Hemati W., Uslu T., Mehler A., Pachzelt A., Rexhepi J., Risse T., Schuster J., Kasperek G., and Hausinger A.
Workflow and Current Achievements of BIOfid, an Information Service Mobilizing Biodiversity Data from Literature Sources

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2, 2018

URL | DOI | RIS | BibTex
Koch M., Driller C., Schmidt M., Hörnschemeyer T., Weiland C., I Miko, Yoder M., and Hickler T.
Current progress in the development of taxonomic and anatomical ontologies within the scope of BIOfid

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2, 2018

URL | DOI | RIS | BibTex

Conference Papers

Kasperek G. and Schmidt M.
A Specialised Information Service for Biodiversity Research, involving large-scale data mobilisation by mining German biodiversity literature

XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC2017), July 23-29, 2018

URL | RIS | BibTex
Weiland C., Driller C., Koch M., Schmidt M., Abrami G., Ahmed S., Mehler A., Pachzelt A., Kasperek G., Hausinger A., and Hörnschemeyer T.
BioFID, a platform to enhance accessibility of biodiversity data

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, 2018

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